DaVinci Resolve 10, Avid-Resolve Workflow Tips, and New Tools from Intelligent Assistance
The Editors' Lounge returned from summer hiatus with an exciting lineup of tools for advanced color correction, editorial assitance and workflow tips.
We were very excited to present a look at Blackmagic Design's DaVinci Resolve 10. Colorist David Block demonstrated and answered questions about new features such as the redesigned UI, HSL curve and 4K grading, color decision lists, new editorial tools, tape-output capability, and much more. This is not your mama's software upgrade, this was a presentation not to be missed!
Editor Scott Freeman discussed workflow tips and advanced techniques for proper round trips between Avid Symphony and DaVinci Resolve and back. He shared the secrets and shortcuts to successfully move your project from editing to color-correction and back again!
Intelligent Assistance returned to the Lounge to demonstrate their latest tools for helping Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere editors work faster and better. Metadata-master Philip Hodgetts showed everyone how to "take the boring out of post"!